29th March: Windy – Weston under Jib & Mizzen (~6nm)
A Saturday, sunny but with an north-easterly wind. Left jetty at 0830 with high tide at 0940 (4.43m) aiming to be back 1245 – 1300. Motored under bridge and down to Kemp’s corner where I got into the lee of the east back to raise the mast and sails. Even so there were some strong gusts so I only set the jib and mizzen. Sailed down to Woolston jetty and started close reaching along Weston Shore. Was doing 6 kts at times (possibly including 1 kt current). Occasionally very strong gusts so decided to turn back. Tacked up the river and again used the shore near Kemps to get the mast and sails down. The boom swung onto the starboard side as I lowered the mast and, having got under the bridge, I found this made it difficult to raise the mast. Got back to jetty at 1145 with the mast still lowered and sorted everything out there!