2nd August: Jetty staging repairs

Neighbour (and builder) Mark has started work of new supports for my “shed” at the landward end of my jetty. The shed is 17′ (~5m) square and houses my workshop and a “cabin” area. While working on the Seafly last month I realised just how rotted the timber piles holding up the shed had become. Mark has suggested inserting some reinforced concrete piles (formed within drainage pipes) and new wooden beams to keep the shed from descending into the river! I’ve bought three acrow props to be used during the work.
Meanwhile today Rob Johnstone came to look at Seatern while he decides what if any boat he gets to replace Vagabond. We sat in Seatern and chatted over coffee! For an August day the weather was atrocious with rain and winds which only got worse as the day progressed.