29th April: Walk after Covid-19
Once I was clear of covid and tested negative I did a watch at Stone Point on the 16th April. It was 2½ weeks after I first tested positive but I still had an occasional cough. After doing a Beach patrol during the day my legs that evening felt very tired. During the time I’d been ill the new Stone point station had been delivered
During the following days I’d been still feeling tired and lethargic so hoping not to invite post viral syndrome or long-covid I decided not to press myself to do anything physical. So on the 29th I decided to do a walk to see how I was getting on – but my legs still felt tired by the time I reached Chessel Bay.
Since I’d last gone that way the groups of boats belonging to the “river gypsies” had been rearranged, the warmer weather looked to have created an algal bloom, and the bluebells had come into flower; here are some photos.