October: Photos from walks

Some photos taken during short walks…

6th October 2021- Flowering plants: While I was having the car serviced and MOT’d at Everton Garage I walked down to Milford on Sea. Coming back I saw these flowers at the footpath edge. They looked like they should be out in spring rather than October! Are they cyclamens?

11th October 2021 – Tree and safe!: A walk in Riverside Park which was notable for two things in the river… a tree and a safe! I tried phoning the police on 101 to ensure that they knew about the safe. However after three stages of lengthy recorded messages giving reasons why you should not phone 101 I gave up because i didn’t want to waste any more of my mobile phone minutes. It makes you appreciate the Coastguard who answer the phone when you call them!

I reported the safe to a guy at the Woodmill Activity Centre who said he would take a look and that it was the Environment Agency that tended to deal with things in the river. The next day when I walked in the park the safe had gone… maybe someone stole it!

17th October 2021 – Chessel Bay: I walked over Northam Bridge and along the path by the modern flats which look over the river to the scrap metal quay. It struck me that it was not that far to continue round to Chessel Bay, something I had not thought of doing before. Previously I’ve driven there via Peartree Green which always seems (and is) a long way round. It’s taken me 25 years of living at Priory Road before I realised the route to Chessel Bay!