26th July: Photo Album
A two tide trip to Newtown Harbour photographing some of the buoys seen from Calshot Tower en route (38.5nm)
A two tide trip to Newtown Harbour photographing some of the buoys seen from Calshot Tower en route (38.5nm)
I was hoping to go to the Needles but with wind against tide at Hurst Narrows it was rough so I anchored at Hurst (47nm); here are the photos.
Another attempt to get to the Needles but only reached Hurst; meanwhile its Cowes Week! (43nm); these are the photos.
A converted second-hand lifeboat, a gas tanker, and one of many gaffers that passed during the day. Watchkeeper TC wanted some photos of himself in...
A windy day and gear problems led me to anchor off Lepe until a fishing boat appeared! (27nm); photos from the day.
I’d planned to sail to Cowes and then come back via the Boat Show, but lack of wind meant otherwise (21nm); photos.
2016 / NCI Watch-Keeping Summary / Photo Album
by Peter Taylor · Published 31/12/2016 · Last modified 19/09/2021
The earlier photos were taken from Calshot Tower NCI with a Canon “snapshot” camera or using my iPhone so the definition is not good. After...