At Dona Paula
During most of the period that we were at Dona Paula I was involved with the meeting at the National Institute of Oceanography. On one day Zoe was persuaded to go on a boat trip. Her photos show fortifications so I think they must have gone to Fort Arguada on the other side of the Mandovi River estuary but looking on Google Maps I can’t see where the sandy beach would have been. The only note I have says “the posh boat had a toilet”!
In the evenings we walked through Dona Paula village to the Goan delicacy café. This was a lovely spot for an evening meal overlooking a secluded beach. After we returned home and talked about the trip, two friends started to spend part of their winter out there staying in a room actually at the café. Looking at the satellite photos now it the area looks more developed but in 2002 there were pigs and piglets foraging around the village houses.